Monday, November 10, 2008

ohh yeah baby

2. CamaroMullet


The CamaroMullet used to have full reign over the mullet brethren, but that was back in the '70s and '80s. This species has fallen from grace since, but can still be seen enjoying NASCAR events and shopping at Kragen, or up in the attic cooking up crank.

Distinguishing features include: a molestache (peach fuzzy), tight-fitting acid wash jeans, and an ever-present key ring hanging from the belt loop.

Feel the mulletude emanating through your computer screen from this rare pic.

It is not recommended you confront the CamaroMullet, for they are very aggressive and cannot be hurt (this might be due to the frequent use of methamphetamines, angel dust, etc.).

  • Mulletude: 10
  • Aggressiveness: 10
  • Hobbies: primering cars, bar fights, picking scabs, losing teeth
  • Sightings: Kragen, Grand Auto, working on a Camaro on their front lawn
  • Favorite Band: AC/DC

So yeahh... I am pretty much a mullet expert... but this classification is not my work... I get all my mullet news from mullets
I have a thing for mullets and cameros... lol

Monday, November 3, 2008


magical berries lol

Halloween is done...I am so glad.. I don't like that Holiday much. I also gained a few pounds because of all the chocolate consumed... lol